Monday, February 25, 2008

February 25, 2008


This week flew by pretty quick. Sunday was excellent! We had lots of people in sacrament meeting and many investigators too. An excellent family and others!

The work is going very well! Elder Petersen and I are working hard to improve our teaching and other aspects of the work and we are seeing the benefits.

Anyways, next P-day or the one after will be Tuesday. The P-day is changing to Tuesday for a mission reason.

Also, this is the last week of the transfer so I could be leaving the area but I'm pretty sure that I'll be staying for another transfer with Elder Petersen. I will let you know one week from now!

Take care!

Elder Kelly

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February 19, 2008


Well a great week... Start from last Monday and a sad story..

Well, I got those baseball gloves and that squishy t-ball for Christmas.. I thought to myself "I wonder why mom didn't send a real, hard baseball, but oh well this one is just fine." So me and my comp went to the park last Monday to toss the baseball a bit. Then we started practicing a little pitching. There was a fence right behind my comp as I pitched to him. The park was almost completely empty. I whipped out the 4 seam fastball, and the ball flew over my comp, over the fence and went directly into the leg of the only person visible within a mile...

...a three year old with an ice cream cone. You should have seen his face.... As a frantically searched through my bag for candy to give the child to curb his pain, I said a silent prayer of gratitude for the wisdom of a mother who knew her son´s 4 seam fastball well enough to send him a soft baseball instead of hard one. Thanks mom =)

That was Monday...

Yesterday was an excellent Sunday!! First we had a baptism. The baptism was excellent. The spirit was so strong. But before the baptism we had been praying every night so that the Father of the kids who were to be baptized would come. He is a very inactive member and said he was not going to come to the baptism.

A week of prayers with our Ward mission leader took place. Finally, right before the baptisms (during the service but right before the ordinance) he showed up. Our ward mission leader and the bishop teared up because they all knew him and our hearts were full of gratitude. The two children who were baptized are incredible and have strong testimonios, los dos. What's more, we had 3 inactive families and 3 families of investigators in the sacrament meeting and they all enjoyed it.

We had an incredible lunch and then ended the night with a FHE with an excellent family in which the mother teared up as she felt very much love for us and felt the spirit of the message. To top it off we got home and received a call from a youth in the ward who said his mother who was once very against the church was talking to the mother of his friend who is member and they were fixing up for a FHE.

All in all we were floored and humbled with the blessings we received that come through hard work and persistence. Our testimonies were strengthened and we know even more so that this is the Lord´s work and he directs us... I love you all, I'll send pictures next week. Thanks for your prayers!

Elder Kelly

ps.. In March my P-day switches to Tuesday... just a heads up

ps, elder wake.... A donde va en dos semanas!? Cuales son sus planes??

Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11, 2008


Happy Valentine´s Day! It's nice to have something to celebrate every week, though I don't think we will be celebrating Valentine´s Day this year.

A great week. The mission as a whole is starting to work much more with the members. The focus of the mission is changing. We are having success in exciting the ward for the work. It is a great ward and we get along with them very well!

Elder Petersen is a great elder and already is doing divisions with the members! He's learning fast and doing great!!

We went to the Worldwide Leadership Training meeting and it was excellent. Not too much talk about the missionary work but great counsel for the family. I took lots of notes for later on... If you have the chance to see it again, I highly recommend it.

Not too much else has happened. We will be having a baptism this next Sunday and it will be great.

I hope everything is going well, that Ian and Jeremy and Dad are all recovering... Love you all!

Elder Kelly

Monday, February 4, 2008

February 4, 2008

Hola buen dia,

Great week has come on gone. I got two packages this week, the 12 days of Christmas package and Marion´s Christmas-birthday package. I was floored. Thank you very much, Tim´s JalapeƱo chips are my favorite and the baseball gloves are a smash hit with the youth and my comp. We throw the ball at night to rest a bit and it really helps with the normal mission stress.

We didn't see the funeral of president Hinckley because we were working but the sacrament meeting was very nice. Everyone shared their testimony on what they had learned from President Hinckley and we all sang "God be with you till we Meet again". Very spiritual.

We will be praying for the family. But the work of the Lord continues!! and we anxiously await the calling of President Monson in April!! My comp is awesome and we are working well together. He is learning very rapidly and soon we will be teaching 50/50.

I hope your week was great and that the next is even better.

With love,