Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 2, 2009

Hey family!

Alright! A great week just flew by! This Sunday, we road tripped out to the field with the president and his wife to visit Saladillo. It was great! I love that little branch they are becoming very successful out there and it is such a blessing from the lord.

We also had a sister's conference for all the sister missionaries in our mission. There are 16. Wow what a great example they are, we really have awesome sister missionaries so full of faith and they are so diligent. It is a blessing to be able to be associated with such valiant people.

Today, we had our transfer meeting with the whole mission! It was a great success as we welcomed 5 new zone leaders and 11 new district leaders. 14 will be leaving this week and the new elders come in tomorrow and there are 4 of them so we had to close 5 areas this transfer. I love the transfer meeting and being able to report how the mission is doing. Especially when the lord is blessing us and we are doing well.

Another fun part was the new technical equipment that the stake center just got that we were able to utilize. I got to use a wireless clip on mic that was way fun. I clipped it on behind my tie so no one could see it and nobody knew where the mic was. It was pretty good.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is true and in it comes the power to change lives in this life and give eternal life. I know it because if witnessed it. Those who don't know so need only to test it in private with faith, and they will come to know by the power of the holy ghost. It is so simple.

God promised it, try him! I love serving the Lord, thank you for your prayers,

Elder Kelly