Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22, 2008


Week two in Catán has come and gone and being an elder has never been so exhausting. We are working very hard in the area and we are working very hard with the zone too.

It's kind of like a roller coaster with the zone. When they do well we´re all excited and when they struggle me and elder pollock are sad too. But all and all we are doing very well as a zone. We are planning on three baptisms for next month and are working very hard to help the three people progress.

We´ve been enjoying working together again very much. We are entering the raining season again and yesterday it poured. My area is all mud, I mean everywhere! When we left the house, for about five or six steps we tried to keep our shoes clean and then we just kind of gave up and slopped our way along for the rest of the day. The mud literally reaches the knees of our pants. It makes me remember of how nice the stuff I bought before the mission was before I got here... then I laugh a bit.

Saturday we were doing service at an investigators house and we were cutting down what looked to be a giant weed or bamboo or something. Turns out it was sugar cane. Carlos chopped off a piece and handed it to me and said chew! So I chewed, and it's incredible! He said that's how his mom (from paraguay) always eats it! Now I love eating raw sugar cane! So if you can plant some for me before I get back I´d love it.

The work progresses, thanks for your prayers and your love, and yes Oma, I do appreciate the clippings you send me very much!!

Love you all, till next week!

Elder Kelly
Catán 3

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008


Well how is everyone doing? I'm doing great down here. I just finished my first week in Catàn and it's crazy! The zone is much larger and instead of 2 districts there are 4. I already love it here though.

Elder Pollock and I get along famously and we have great ideas hopes and aspirations for this excellent zone! We are going to have a theme this transfer, The NBA in Catán! Every area will be a team and for each lesson with member, baptismal date and new investigators points will be allotted.

Game nights are Friday and Wednesday when one area goes head to head against another. We are the Catán 3 Supersonics since they can´t decide where to go, we´ve decided that they're coming to catán. It's something to kind of break the day to day grind of the mission and I hope it catches on. This zone is the heart of the mission as it has the most elders and always does the best so I really am excited for the challenge and the responsibility!

There is lots of work to do out here. A lot more people listen but a lot less progress so we are always running from place to place. Maybe things will settle down a bit this week as it is week 2 of the transfer.

We had the ZL meeting yesterday in the Mission home! It was the first time I´ve seen carpet in a year! It was excellent. The new President is so inspired. It was very uplifting and constructive and elder pollock and I are very excited for this transfer!

There was a Brazilian Elder named Elder Lopez and I tried to learn as much portugeese from him as I could. Lets see Mike and Sean.... vocé e ediota or something like that! ou ten fome!

We also had a baptism on Saturday! Very spiritual and a great guy! I'm trying to get to know the area and the ward, it seems every time I get comfortable in an area, it's time for me to move again!! It's great, a real great learning experience and it keeps everything on the edge!

I hope you all have great weeks! Love you!

Elder Kelly
Los Catán 3 Supersonics!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 8, 2008

Hola Familia!

Wow a crazy week. Yesterday´s transfer meeting finds me in my 5th area! Yesterday morning we had our transfer meeting and after two transfers in my favorite zone Marcos Paz, I'm out again!

I'm on my way to the poorest zone in the mission, Gonzalez Catán to be Zone Leader with, and this is the crazy part, my old companion Elder Pollock who was my first companion in Parque Leloir! Crazy turn of events for me.

Here´s the best part, the New President (Benton) (whom I´ve never met in person before) after the transfer meeting, sees me standing in the offices waiting for me comp to take a test. Without looking at my plaque he looks me in the eyes and says "Elder Kelly, come in here". He pulled me into his office and shows me the transfer board. He shows me my name next to elder pollocks and told me... a lot of inspiration went into this decision. We prayed very much to make sure you belong there with Elder Pollock again.

It was really a great experience and I really do know there is a reason why I am where I am! Speaking of the new President, he is excellent. It is a very big change from our other president. President Benton is very outgoing and very excited about the work! He said that we are the best mission in the world! Why not!

I really like the excitement and I think it will be hugely beneficial for the mission and will play well to my strengths. I'm sure now the Lord´s purposes are always fulfilled and there are reason´s behind occurrences that we are not always able to see.

I'm going to miss Loma Grande and Marco Paz! Right now I'm with Elder Bracken and Pollock who were both my old companions.

Well I Love you all very much and am praying for you. I hope all is well. I couldn't get pictures sent as my stuff isn't unpacked yet. Hopefully next week!

Elder Kelly
Catán 3
Zona Gonzalez Catán
Misión Buenos Aires Oeste

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 1, 2008


Wow, another packed full week with lots of stories and exciting events. We had a night of Karaoke in the chapel in which me and my comp sang Kaycee and JoJo All my Life. It went over very well but I forgot how to sing and butchered it, but hey it's Argentina and no one could hear me anyways. Everyone had a blast and we all rocked out to Bon Jovi as the closing song. Great night.

The next day we had the baptism of Nahuel, if you want to see who he is scroll down to a picture of me and E Pratt with a family and Nahuel is the kid in the middle with his eyes crossed. He's actually the cousin of that family and comes every single week without the help of anyone! He has great faith and doesn't really have support from his family but he's a trooper and a future missionary!

Yesterday our new President arrived from the MTC!!! President Benton! I already know he is an absolute stud. The night he arrived he took time out of his schedule at 9:30 ish to call all the zone leaders and introduce himself and ask us about our families. I'm really excited to meet him in person and that happens in one week in the transfer meetings.

He is from Boston and he didn't speak any Spanish I don't think before the mtc! His Spanish is coming along great and he seems very personable too. I told him I was from Seattle and that my parents went to the same mission. I told him that my Mom was baptised in her youth and he said he was converted at 22 so we already have something in common. I'm looking forward to these next 9 months together.

I hear ELDER HOLLAND came to Redmond Stake and talked with grandpa at the stake reorganization. I bet that was excellent. A bit jealous! Send my best to President Tanner and thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for that excellent letter they sent me.

As I just said, transfers are this next week. Pres. Benton and the assistants will be doing them on thursday, pres bentons 4th day in argentina! There might not be too many changes so we don't think that me or Elder Jeppson will be moved. I expect 6 more weeks at least in Loma Grande, but who knows what the Lord has in store for me!

Things are great, investigators are progressing.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Love you!

Elder Steven Kelly
Loma Grande
Zona Marcos Paz
Misiòn Buenos Aires Oeste