Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 7, 2008

Hello family

How is everyone?!? I'm doing very well and I'm sorry for not having written in so long. Last week on P-day we were at the airport picking up the new elders. It was actually an excellent experience. We picked up 5 americans and 12 Latin Americans including 4 sister missionaries. It's such a great day for me and it makes me remember my first day! They are always so excited and its great to feel that MTC experience again.

The day after we had the dinner for the returning missionaries. That's a different experience but still excellent. It's great to see missionaries complete their missions and to be a part of their last day.

Yesterday, we had the meeting with the Zone leaders and it went very well. There was a very strong spirit felt. We spoke about what we need to do to be the best mission in the world. It was really very inspiring and great to see all the Zone leaders, my old friends and companions.

This week we have a lot of meetings and interviews planned so we´ll be in and out of the offices alot. This transfer is going to be a great one I can really feel it! Ah yes and on Monday Elder Nelson from the 12 will be coming to our mission! I'm very excited.

Speaking of which, wasn't conference excellent! So many wonderful talks, I wouldn't be able to choose a favorite. If you didn't go to all the sessions, I exhort you to go online and watch them during some free time or during lunch, you´ll be extremely glad you did! 4 new temples too!

Well family I have to go but I love you all and i'll talk to you soon!!

Elder Kelly
MisiĆ³n Buenos Aires Oeste

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