Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

Hello family

Its been a long time... far too long and I'm sorry about that,

Anyways... last week was one of the most memorable weeks of the mission. My companion Elder Pollock and I were given a special assignment by president to go out to the little towns in the countryside and investigate and do splits with the missionaries out there and finally to be present at the first meeting in the town of Saladillo for the first time in 15 years!

We left on thursday night and thursday through Saturday we visited the missionaries of the towns of Lobos, 25 de Mayo, and Chivilcoy, as well as investigated the little town of Navarro to see if it was a place where perhaps we could send missionaries. After a serious migraine and a couple side-of-the-road throw up instances we knew that nothing could stop us, as finally Saturday afternoon we pulled into the town of Saladillo.

There, waiting for us were Elder Singleton (a dear friend who recently left the offices) and Elder Cataldo, a great Elder from Chile who is going home this transfer. After settling down for 5 minutes unpacking the 20 chairs, and looking through the Apartment/Chapel to see how we would set it up for Sunday, we set out to invite all of the old members and new investigators to church, E. Singleton and I went together in the car, and Elder Pollock with Elder Cataldo.

We went through 10 names on the old members list but the problem is that those who were members 15 years ago had either grown-up, moved out, or died. Finally with about five minutes before we were to meet up with the other elders we passed by this last family where we found and taught Julio, an inactive 18 year old who was very excited that Saladillo had the church again! We then the 4 of us elders (corn field photo) went out to visit the family Quiroga who were absolutely excellent. We watched the restoration movie and we all felt the spirit very strongly and the 5 of them all committed to coming to church. So we finished the night with many people committed to come to the first sacrament meeting.

The morning finally came... and the church was to start at 10. We prepared all of the rooms, the outside, and the sacrament. We made all the calls and the district presidents counselor arrived 15 minutes early. The family that came from a nearby branch to support us arrived. But no-one. By 5 minutes to 10 no-one from saladillo still and the Elders got back with the car from searching for people without and luck. Suddenly at 9:56 people started coming. The family Quiroga, the investigator family, the Sister Nini who had been praying for the church to come back for years. Another investigator family, Soon the rooms was filled with investigators and members and even though it was very hot we knew that we had been greatly blessed by the Lord.

In the end, 23 people came to the meeting 2 arriving right at the end filling up every seat we had. To put it in prespective, other branches in the district the same day had an attendance of 15 or 10. But the most important of all was the incredible spirit that was felt as old members bore their testimonies of the truthfulness of the restoration of the gospel. What an absolute blessing it was to participate in such a meeting. At the end the four of us elders knelt in pray to give gratitude for what we had witnessed and we were off home again to give a report to the President.

Oh and that night the President had arranged for Elder Pollock and I to have dinner with Elder Pollock's good friend who came down from Utah to deliver a camera. Great times. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true, it has the power to change lives and give true happiness.

I love you all and will talk to you soon!

Elder Kelly

1. Elders Pollock, Singleton, Cataldo and I as the sunsets in the feilds of the Quiroga family.
2. The four of us, very content after the meeting on Sunday in the back row of the chapel/apartment
3. The Saladillo group after sacrament meeting (its not a branch quite yet)

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